Marta Pitchuk, a native of Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, is renowned for her artistic portrayal of Motanka dolls. These ancient Ukrainian talismans, traditionally crafted by mothers to safeguard their children, embody a profound sense of protection, warmth, and care. Pitchuk's artwork captures the metamorphosis of these age-old, inanimate dolls into living embodiments, intertwining with real-life women. The living Motanka transcends its object status to become a distinct personality, characterized by individuality, thoughts, and perspectives, effectively bringing the past to life on canvas. The artist meticulously captures the essence of the Motanka by intricately painting its facial features and subsequently enveloping it with threads, infusing the doll with a soul. Each piece represents an exquisite image and a profound personality, resonating with its own range of emotions and sentiments. Through cyclical brushstrokes that mirror the traditional doll-making process, set against dark backgrounds, they evoke an enigmatic ambiance, fostering a sense of intimacy as the viewer engages with the Motanka. Pitchuk's artworks also feature elements of traditional Ukrainian attire, including forgotten aspects, meticulously researched across diverse ethnic regions of Ukraine, thereby revealing unique and extraordinary characteristics. Pitchuk's oeuvre is exalted in private collections across various countries, including England, Germany, the Czech Republic, Italy, Austria, France, Luxembourg, Poland, Argentina, the USA, and Canada.